What is Your Strategy to Market Listings to Agents? Learn How to Maximize This Goldmine.

Are You Utilizing the Most Effective Strategy to Market Your Listings? 20 Tips to Market to Buyer Agents.

how to market your home listings to other real estate agentsI was teaching a class last week on the importance of using house listing presentations in today’s market and stumbled on a section I thought needed to be shared this week on AgentsBoost.

When you are meeting with sellers and telling them all the things you will do for them to get their home sold for many realtors the majority of time is spent showing them how they market to the public and little or no time on how they will market to the other agents in the network.

Who do you think is the most important marketing target for the listing agent?

Is it the public or is it the real estate agent?

Personally, I believe the marketing and targeting of your sellers home to your fellow agents is the most important strategy to a seller in today’s market. Other agents in your network are actively working with the most qualified buyers. If they have the buyers then you need to get them excited about your sellers home first, so they in turn will get their buyer excited to buy your listing.

How much time do you spend with sellers showing them your strategy to market to other agents in your network?

What systems do you have in place to get the word out and get fellow agents excited about your listings and their buyers excited to buy your listing? (This is not meant to be a rhetorical question necessarily, I would love to hear some of your best ideas by leaving them in the comment box below.)

My encouragement to you is… Take the time with sellers to educate them that buyers seek out a real estate professional to represent them in their purchase for the following reasons.

  1. The buyer agent and their firm have access to all inventory on and off the MLS system.
  2. The buyer agent will protect and guide them in their purchase.
  3. It doesn’t cost the buyer to use an agent to represent them.

Naturally the buyer gravitates to the population of agents and their firms to get all these benefits. In turn it is the listing agents job to get your home in front of all these agents as quickly as possible so they are showing your home to their buyer pools.

20 Top Ideas for Marketing Listings to Your Buyer Agent Network.

  1. Ensuring your listing data to fellow agents is accurate, detailed and every piece of information the agent and their buyer need are readily available to them in the listing.
  2. Posted on www.realtor.ca Your listing is exposed to every licensed agent in the network across Canada which now reaches almost 100,000 agents coast to coast.
  3. Posted in your local board. Your listing is again exposed to all the local agents in the network.
  4. Posted on your corporate site which reaches thousands of agents coast to coast that work within your corporate brand.
  5. Posted on your company site to reach all the agents in your own company.
  6. Posted on your office Intranet site (internal company communication site) that reaches all the agents in your company.
  7. Office tour. Have all your fellow office agents come through your listing to see, touch and feel your listing so they can share with their buyers.
  8. MLS tour. Invite all the local agents from other companies to come through your listing and view and share what they saw to their potential buyers.
  9. ESP Tour. I like gathering (and buying coffee after) for a small group of seasoned, producing agents from my office that attend tour regularly and know their pricing well… I invite them to tour my listing  in a private group and write on their business card for my seller their thoughts on price. E- estimated… S- selling… P- price.
  10. Office flyers and postcards. Have professional flyers or postcards printed and delivered to all the offices and placed in agents mailboxes.
  11. Agent email databases. Collect all your fellow agents emails and with permission send professional marketing emails of your sellers homes to all the agents. Using something like Constant Contact.
  12. Something new like the RESASS system our firm just launched. RESASS is a social media platform similar to Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter but is only for agents and designed for peer to peer marketing to fellow agents your needs, wants, and trades.
  13. Post on social media sites. I think you should create Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter sections just for your “agent to agent” marketing. Seek out all the other agents in other firms in a separate spot. Share needs, wants and trade with them.
  14. Show up to your weekly office meetings and create real estate opportunities with your sellers homes. Share with your fellow agents face to face your listings. You just never know what might happen.
  15. Higher selling compensation. Offer more on the selling side for compensation. The fastest way to a fellow agent and selling your listing is showing them the money!
  16. Agent lunches, wine and cheese or small events hosted for the fellow agents to attend at your listing. Another way to their hearts is with food and beverage.
  17. Marketing incentives like bonuses, trips, prizes for the fellow agents who sell your sellers home.
  18. Networking lunches with other top producing agents at other firms. Meeting once a month and sharing with other top producers what you all want, need and maybe trade.
  19. Pick up the phone and call all the agents who have listings around your sellers home and share with them your listing and ask more about theirs.
  20. Pick up the phone and call all the listing and selling agents involved in a sale of a home around your listing in the last six months and ask them if they might have a prospect that would want to buy your listing. They may have had potential buyers who wanted a home in the area but haven’t purchased yet.


Imagine what your seller will think when you show them a system like this for them and their home.

What would it do for your chances of selling your listing?

Why not try taking your “agent to agent” marketing to another level?

Strength and Courage


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What is Your Strategy to Market Listings to Agents? Learn How to Maximize This Goldmine.